In a recent announcement for the departure of Capcom father Hideaki Itsuno, who has launched iconic titles like Devil May Cry 5 and Dragon’s Dogma during his was lush behind illustrious life in fifty years.
Itsuno revealed the news on Twitter, saying: “At the end of this month August 2024 it will be approximately leave Capcom after working hard for a total of 30 years and five months.
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Thanks for supporting the games and characters that I have pushed out. We hope you will continue to support Capcom’s games and give its characters the love they deserve.
He also mentioned that he will be starting a new game project in September from (presumably) another place.
Itsuno added: the thing that I want to do with my newest title is make it something that’s a real standout hit for me. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU GET MORE ME WANTING TO MAKE SOMETHING BETTER THAN WHAT WE’VE MADE, OK?
Over his tenure in Capcom Itsuno has contributed quite a bit to many genres. While Devil May Cry is Hotline Bling to its Drake (Hideki Kamiya regrettably taking his game out of sight), the torch for later entries was passed to Itsuno, who co-directed DmC and went on to direct the immensely satisfying Devil May Cry 5.
He is also well-known for his dealings with the Dragon’s Dogma loaded schedule, which has garnered an intensely glad vo…
Itsuno is an ardent fighting game fan, having joined Capcom in part because of his love for Street Fighter. He pointed out earlier this month that his team made a lot of the games in the soon-to-be-released Capcom Fighting Collection 2.
Japan has largely avoided the waves of mass layoffs seen in regions like Europe and the U.S., but veteran developers are increasingly departing from its gaming companies – creators such as Itsuno included.
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Of course, you have other pillars of the industry like Hideo Kojima, Shinji Mikami, and Hideki Kamiya leaving their long-term companies in recent years too, which might make Itsuno’s departure just another trend.
While there is no doubt that Dragon’s Dogma 2 was a success and Itsuno still had huge clout at Capcom, speculation over what he’ll do next has just begun. Perhaps he received a more alluring proposition much like Toshihiro Nagoshi and his move to NetEase.
Regardless, whatever Itsuno does next is likely to be eagerly anticipated by both fans and those within the industry.
Verdict: With the era of Hideaki Itsuno working at Capcom over, a new chapter in his career is beginning. The gaming world is excited to see what this legendary creator will do next as he starts his next project.