We have more PlayStation news, rumors, and leaks to go over and cover today. We are starting with a new PlayStation studio title that has seemingly leaked out, at least somewhat. This was actually reported by MP first where they say, report potential concept art for a new PlayStation action-adventure game featuring intense violence surfaces.
So they say here, about two months ago in May, movies and games insider Daniel RPK shared intriguing details on his Patreon account the report centered around a casting call for an upcoming PlayStation first-party title with Jamie Balfus senior manager of casting and talent at Sony PlayStation studios worldwide listed as the casting director the casting call was specifically for an action-adventure game that promised intense violence and potential profanity while the exact title remains a mystery the project was described
as likely to receive an M for Mature rating. Two roles were up for grabs.
His reference models were a salt-and-pepper gray-haired man between 40 and 60 years old and a darker brunette woman between 20 and 60 years old. An interesting detail that not many people noticed was the attached images on the casting page. Although these images served as a reference for the characters, they concealed their faces.
This is standard practice for hair references, But the interesting part comes when you notice that the character’s clothing is also hidden. Could this be an intentional move to keep the game’s theme under wraps? Now, before I continue with this article, I have to let you know, that I don’t know that I’m going to share this image on screen just in case.
This is something that, again, is not supposed to be made public, and I don’t want to risk Sony taking anything down. But what I will say is this MP First article will be linked down in the description below. They have the image here. so you can click on that article and check it out. It says here, continuing with the article, upon closer examination, the reference images reveal some detail in the characters, such as an image of the woman where you can see that her old age is evident from the wrinkles on her neck, while the image of the man portrays him with a bushy beard and curly hair.
Now, if you’re wondering which studio might be behind this project, we can’t do much more than speculate.
However, an interesting connection can be made. The casting call took place on May 21st, And just two days later, Neil Druckmann, creative director of the acclaimed franchise The Last of Us, made a statement about how Naughty Dog’s new IP could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming.
Given Naughty Dog’s track record with intense and violent titles, could this cast and call be linked to their next project? Only time will tell. They say here we’re digging deeper into this unannounced PlayStation action-adventure game, and once we know more, we will let our readers know. So yeah, There’s not a whole lot to extract from this except the fact that it’s a new action-adventure game. It’s going to feature intense violence and profanity. And we have what seems to be concept art with the faces of the characters actually removed.
A lot of people were pointing out that if you look closely at this concept art, this looks very much like Naughty Dog concept art. And I have to agree, if you look at past concept art from Naughty Dog, this falls very much in line with that. And so I think the first thing that people are going to think naturally and understandably is the last of us, right? You think about action adventure, intense violence, intense profanity, you think the last of us. But at the same time, there’s so little to go off of here that this could be a brand new IP that we’re looking at with a brand new set of characters. We don’t know if these characters would be the protagonists, if they would be the antagonists if they would be kind of side characters.
there’s really so little information given but it is interesting that you know are at this point with Naughty Dog where people are so eager to figure out what they’re doing next we’ve we’ve had Neil Druckman straight up confirm multiple times that they’re working on multiple single-player projects so we know that for a fact he’s teased out these games but we have yet to get any type of proper reveal and because of that we’re not even sure if we can expect a new naughty dog game Before the end of this generation.
Which is crazy to think. Because the last time we got a proper Naughty Dog new game reveal. Was back in 2016 with The Last of Us Part 2. We did get things like Uncharted The Lost Legacy.
As well as The Last of Us Part 1. And The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered. But we’re talking about a brand new. You know full-blown game reveal from Naughty Dog. It hasn’t happened in a very, very, very long time. And so you know you look at something like this. And you have to wonder how far out are we.
from potentially getting this reveal well we know that the Last of Us multiplayer was in development for a couple of years and ended up getting canceled so you have to imagine that maybe put Naughty Dog behind a little bit. But the real question is, were they working on something simultaneously as they were working on this multiplayer project? Were they also working on a single-player game that maybe is going to be ready to reveal soon?
Now, considering this is a casting call, I’m going to say it’s probably still a little bit of a way out. That’s just my you know, gut reaction assumption here because they don’t even have everybody lined up, you know, for the roles of this game. It’s also worth noting this might not be a Naughty Dog game. This could be a game from any other PlayStation studio. So it’s just one of these things where the only thing we really know is there is a new action-adventure game being developed over at PlayStation.
It’s going to feature violence and profanity and we have a single piece of concept art with the faces cut out. So, definitely wanted to share this with you. We are kind of at this point with PlayStation where, you know, we’re just really wondering, like, when are they going to start announcing and showing off some of these new PlayStation projects?
I want to let you guys know that Lost Soul Aside, the PlayStation exclusive, is actually confirmed for ChinaJoy 2024. A lot of people have been wondering when we’re going to see this game again. Well, being reported by Gaming Bolt, it says when Sony announced its PlayStation lineup for China Joy 2024, two titles were missing, Lost Soul Aside and The Wind’s Rising. While the latter is up in the air, ULTZero Games has confirmed the former’s appearance on July 26th. The game’s official Twitter revealed that game director Yang Bing would provide an interview. There will also be gameplay. though whether this is new footage remains to be seen. However, at the very least, he could provide updates on the state of development alongside other new details.
So just wanted to throw this in here because again, this is a game that people ask about and we haven’t seen it for in quite some time. And there are people who are excited about it. So we don’t really know what we’re going to get from Lost Soul Aside at ChinaJoy. Maybe we’ll get a release date. Maybe we’ll get a new trailer. Maybe it’ll be very underwhelming and it’ll just be footage we’ve already seen, which is some new information. about the progress the game’s making, but there you go, it is confirmed. The last topic I want to let you guys know about very briefly is that Valorant now has an official release date on PS5 being reported by PlayStation Lifestyle here. They say the Valorant PS5 slash console release date has apparently been revealed by a known leaker.
The game is currently in beta on consoles but was limited to those who received a code to get in. If you’re one of those who didn’t make it in, don’t worry, because you should be able to play the game on Friday, July 26th, if this leak is to be believed. The aforementioned leak comes from, uh, Extus, I don’t know if I’m saying that correctly, who has a pretty solid reputation. According to them, July 26th will mark the end of the beta and the global console launch of Valorant.
Apparently, Riot Games planned a surprise drop, but the leaker was a step ahead of the developer as a reminder valorant is a free to play game and is already enjoying a massive player base on pc from the looks of it it’s going to be the next big free-to-play shooter across all platforms trophy hunters will be a tad disappointed to note that valorant’s ps5 trophy list comes without platinum which is a little bit disappointing because the set comprises of both tricky and grindy trophies so yeah um this is something that i thought was worth mentioning because we know concord is coming out in august and i’ve been saying that i think one of the biggest things that’s going to hurt concord is the fact that it’s coming out at
around a time when we have multiple other hero shooters valorant is a hero shooter but it’s already very popular um and it’s coming out like a whole month before concord and we also have a game like marvel rivals you know which has marvel characters that’s also a hero shooter um so yeah just wanted to let you guys know if you were wondering when valorant was going to drop on playstation 5 Apparently, it’s coming in just a couple days. It’s going to be a surprise drop. Pretty cool. Let me know if it’s something you’re interested in playing. But guys, that’s going to do it for the video. I hope you enjoyed it.